We Are All Responsible: Charlie Hebdo and the Defamation of Islam
Removing the confusion of today cannot be simply by trying to weed out who is “qualified” to speak for Islam and who is not. And, it will definitely not be removed through indiscriminate violence against innocents. I believe that the following steps need to be taken.
Allowing Our Community to Breathe: Race & Taqwa
The Rodney King and Amadou Diallo cases of the 1990’s at least went to trial. We can’t say that about Michael Brown or Eric Garner. Progress? Their killers are not even getting indicted anymore! Whenever Islam spread it was because their community offered a solution to the land's problems. We are in this situation now. Only knowledge and taqwa will allow our communities to overcome racial divides.
Preserving Faith During Fitna: The Elevated Path
Muslim apologists, extremists, reformists, centrists—who is on the path of wisdom and guidance? Not only did our beloved Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) deal with immense trials and struggles during his prophetic lifetime, but he foretold of periods of great fitna (tribulation) for the believers in the future. In this short but powerful discussion from Al-Madina's "Trials of the Messengers", Shaykh Yahya Rhodus lays the foundation for Muslims living during times of tribulation, compiling and analyzing traditions specifically advising us on how to respond to the modern landscape by preserving our dignity, maintaining faith, and remaining vigilant against our egotistical desires to associate with those who sow the seeds of division and violence over unity and forbearance.
Our Children: Hope, Fear, & the Future
As I heard the non-Muslim presenter praise Malala, I came to fully appreciate how it affects children to have role models that look like them. I often wonder how things have changed for American Muslim kids who have grown up only knowing a world in which people shouting Allahu Akbar have terrorized and killed people in their country, where they are a religious minority.
If American Muslims Can Change...
If American Muslims can change their selves, they could change the world. They are often higher educated and earning more than the national average. The American Muslim community is spread in key swing states and can have a tremendous impact on local and national elections.