Faith & Spirituality
A New Hijri Year, A New Beginning
A new Hijrah year is a new beginning, a time to start fresh. Our predecessors, in choosing it as the beginning of the Islamic calendar, recognized it not only marked a new civilization, but a new realm of human possibility, where the soul is liberated, and society is freed from injustice and corruption. That can only begin until we accept that who we are now is not the way we want to be. Though that sounds simple, the reality is that while we might wish to be a better person, we still remain fundamentally satisfied with our flaws because it’s comfortable. We complain about the status quo, but we are scared to go through the difficult process of changing it. So we tolerate our condition, and blame our spiritual inertia on busy schedules, social pressures and our own fear.
Reflections on My Recent Hajj and Ziyarah to al-Madinah
For every pilgrim, going to Hajj and making visitation to al-Madinah al-Munawwarah are both communal experiences as well as deeply personal. Though this year was not my first pilgrimage, it contained a set of different experiences and lessons for myself yet had the familiar. I’d like to share a few aspects of my journey with you with the hope that these can bring some benefit beyond my personal self.
Thanks For Sleepless Nights
Ramadan often elicits childhood memories of our parents going to extra lengths to make it special, so as we honor our mothers and fathers, perhaps it is also time that we as parents also give thanks to our children for the special gift they gave us. So to all our children, thanks for the sleepless nights.
Tools To Deal With A Spiritual Emergency
As we enter this beautiful month of Ramadan, it is important to take the time to reflect on our relationship with Allah and how to strengthen our reliance on Him when facing trials. Here are two tools we must keep in our hearts every day and be ready to pull out in case of a spiritual emergency.