The Madrasa of Gaza al-‘Izza
What is ‘izza? English translations of the Qur’an typically translate ‘izza as glory, might and honour. And therefore: To Allah, His Messenger ﷺ and the believers belongs all glory, might and honour. But the etymology of the word ‘izza denotes many meanings: strength and power; rarity and preciousness; and even difficulty and unattainability.
ISIS and the Academic Veil for Islamophobia
In short, the only people who understand what Islam is really about as far as Wood is concerned are ISIS and academics who say what ISIS militants do is authentic Islam. As for the rest of over 1.6 billion Muslims and their theologians, they have what in the words of Haykel calls it, “a cotton-candy view of their own religion.”
Malcolm X, Converts & Moving Past Window Dressing Islam
American Muslims, especially from the immigrant community, still struggle for relevancy because of a failure to integrate the call to Islam with the call to justice. This stems from a disservice to the legacy of Malcolm X, racism and an indifference to the Muslim convert.
Messages From The Three Beautiful Souls in Chapel Hill
With humility and deep sadness, we mourn these beautiful souls and ask Allah for strength to not fall prey to negative reactions, but to emulate the prophetic response to our loss: prayer, reciting and contemplating the Quran, standing by their families, and walking in their footsteps of positive activism for the community.
We Are All Responsible: Charlie Hebdo and the Defamation of Islam
Removing the confusion of today cannot be simply by trying to weed out who is “qualified” to speak for Islam and who is not. And, it will definitely not be removed through indiscriminate violence against innocents. I believe that the following steps need to be taken.
Merry Christmas: The Fatwa or the Fitra?
A fatwa decreeing it permissible to congratulate non-Muslims on their religious holidays is not about giving Muslims permission to practice basic human decency or to be nice. It is an evaluation of an action against the core values of Islam. It may outwardly seem to be a “small issue”, but it is on these small issues that principles at play become evident.