The Madrasa of Gaza al-‘Izza
What is ‘izza? English translations of the Qur’an typically translate ‘izza as glory, might and honour. And therefore: To Allah, His Messenger ﷺ and the believers belongs all glory, might and honour. But the etymology of the word ‘izza denotes many meanings: strength and power; rarity and preciousness; and even difficulty and unattainability.
Want To Send Me To Hell?
I’m often shocked by how often we throw the baby out with the bathwater. Someone disagrees with us on a religious matter and we are willing to play Russian roulette with our own salvation by labeling them an unbeliever (kafir). This behavior tends to be perpetrated by people who are ignorant and/or fanatical in their commitment to particular dogmatic views. In reality, what constitutes calling someone an unbeliever has a very narrow scope, not nearly as wide as some would like it to be.
Overcoming Spiritual Disabilities
Most people don’t think of themselves as having spiritual disabilities—impairments which may limit one’s quality of After-life. And yet, these particular traits, characteristics and states of mind can not only affect one’s relationship with others in this world, but one’s ultimate relationship with God in the next world.
Master Calligrapher Mohamed Zakariya: Between the Lines
From designing the Eid stamp to providing his expertise consulting with museum curators and collectors of Islamic mansucripts throughout the world, Mohamed Zakariya is considered the leading champion for the art of Islamic calligraphy in America.