Moutasem Atiya
Moutasem Atiya has been actively involved in the Metropolitan DC communities through classes, speaking engagements, and Friday khutbahs on a regular basis for the past 10 years.

Prophetic Habits For A Better Life
Open YouTube, and their algorithms will greet you with the latest life coach explaining how to hack your body to live life to the fullest while at the same time igniting all sorts of dopamine responses. But what about our spiritual machinery? Are you a body or do you have a body? Surely neglecting what truly makes us human will lead to excess and harm.
Zuhdi: Artist of the Prophet's Mosque
After the Prophet's Mosque had been damaged, a young calligrapher, Abdullah Zuhdi, was entrusted with adorning the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺwith calligraphic inscriptions. The results of his work were among the finest examples of extolling prayers upon the Messenger.
The Muslim Messy Truth
On a recent cross-continental flight I sat next to a man who was a supporter of Donald Trump. You can imagine the awkward position we were both in. Racist. Islamophobe. Misogynist. Those were a few of the adjectives that could have crossed my mind, while terrorist, anti-American, ISIS may have been on his. We both had to choose: tolerate each other for a few hours, passing the occasional disingenuous smile with meaningless pleasantries or address the elephant in the room and engage in a real conversation. We chose the latter.
What We Can Do For Aleppo
Over the past five years many of us have been struggling to make sense of the carnage we see in Syria. In the past two days alone those feelings have been intensified as we witness children, women and men suffer in ways we wouldn't wish upon our worst enemy. Each one of us can help in being a spiritual and material conduit of aide to our brothers and sisters in Syria by doing the following.
Keeping Safe In Islamophobic Space
It’s been a rough time for the Muslim community of America. Many Islamic organizations will surely be sending safety guides in the following days advising us to be aware of our surroundings and maybe even suggesting classes in self-defense. That’s great, but let’s not forget we are a faith based community that can tap into a rich spiritual tradition. Our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his family) taught some great spiritual self-defense techniques that I want to share with you.
Why Did This Companion Think The Prophet Passed Away?
Though our Beauty of Muhammad Web Series (peace be upon him and his family) will start in a few weeks, I wanted to share this amazing story with you. May Allah inspire us all to keep our hearts and tongues in a constant state of prayers upon the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).
Time For Our Leaders To Lead
Sister Sherry Khan makes an on-point analysis of what many Muslims are suffering from in silence, namely the fallout of partisan bickering between leaders. As stewards of the Muslim American community we have to take the uncomfortable task of assessing the real impact of our efforts. We live in an age in which external threats greatly outweigh our internal politics. I hope we wake up to this reality.
Want To Send Me To Hell?
I’m often shocked by how often we throw the baby out with the bathwater. Someone disagrees with us on a religious matter and we are willing to play Russian roulette with our own salvation by labeling them an unbeliever (kafir). This behavior tends to be perpetrated by people who are ignorant and/or fanatical in their commitment to particular dogmatic views. In reality, what constitutes calling someone an unbeliever has a very narrow scope, not nearly as wide as some would like it to be.
The Prophetic Diet: The Perfect New Year’s Resolution
By Moutasem Atiya & Hasan Awan, M.D.
It is probably the most common New Year’s resolution. We have likely made it ourselves, or have heard it from countless friends and family. It goes something like "This year I will lose weight and get fit." The stampede to the gym ensues, and about three weeks later our resolution finds itself buried inside our mashed potatoes at the Cheesecake Factory. A familiar story, we all know. So how do we break the cycle? The answer involves (Read More)
I AM - Worthy Watch
So I have to admit I do have a Netflix account. While sifting through suitable cartoons for the kids to watch, I come across the occasionally intriguing documentary. One recent find was “ I Am” by Tom Shadyac. If his name escapes you, you may know some films he wrote/directed such as : Ace Ventura, The Nutty Professor, Liar Liar and Bruce Almighty. I Am tackles our obsessive addiction to material wants, and neglect of spiritual realities. Check it, let me know your thoughts.
A Band of Heroes: Something I Learned From The X-men
I loved the X-Men, A band of diverse mutants with special powers uniting to fight evil. Wolverine was my favorite; he has these super sharp adamantium claws that can retract from the top of his hand, not to mention his super healing ability. Then there was Cyclops, he would shoot plasma rays from his eyes and was married to the telepath Jean Gray. Storm, she could fly and control the weather, beckoning lightning bolts at her whim zapping all bad guys in sight.
Beware of Zombies. Or Are You One?
We often act on our perceived religiosity by quickly condemning others, as if it somehow comes with the territory. The length of my beard, the perfect placement of my hands in prayer and my impeccable recitation somehow puts me on the higher rank of the spiritual totem pole and I become the judge, jury and executioner of your spiritual life.
Love Like The Prophet - Quick Steps To a Better Marriage
We often get so swept up in the routine of life that we take our marriages for granted. Thankfully Allah has given us a perfect portrait in the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him and his family) to help break that routine. Here are five practical and powerful lessons from the Messenger to help rekindle our relationships.
A Tale of Attempted Seduction - The Story of Zulekha
It was an amazing tale of attempted seduction. Yusuf (peace be upon him) lived for years in the house of Zulekha, a woman of beauty, power and influence. Day in and day out, Zulekha was exposed to his physical allure, a composition so stunning that the Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him and his family] said "Yusuf has been given half of all beauty"[Muslim].
Marriage, Jobs and Moses - A Unique Link
The spiritual masters of the past, knowing that the Qur'an was the solution to all problems, would later encourage their students to often repeat this supplication of Musa when they were in need of a job or a spouse. Today, we find that this supplication is as important now as ever before.