Saleem Safdar

Saleem Safdar is an attorney and author. Born and raised in the United States, he obtained his B.A. in English from Rutgers University and his J.D. from Fordham University, School of Law, located in New York City.


5 November 2019
Ep. 49: The Ottoman Sufi - Suleyman Derin


9 July 2016

Edhi: A Hero of Islamic Altruism

To the orphans, widows, homeless, victims of natural disasters, and those cast away and forgotten by the world in which we live, Edhi Sahib was a saint. He represented the best qualities of Islam. Altruism. Humanitarianism. Compassion for the needy and helpless. He was a beacon of hope in a sea of despair; a role-model and hero to many.

5 June 2016

Muhammad Ali: The Legacy Of The Greatest Boxer Of All Time

The death of Muhammad Ali is a great loss to not only the world of sports, but to Muslims and humanitarians everywhere. He represented some of the best qualities in modern sportsmen, and had an infectious smile and affable personality that in many ways reflected the Sunnah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). He left behind a wonderful family and a society that is enriched for his having sojourned therein. He will be missed. May Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) grant Muhammad Ali the highest ranks in paradise, and grant him bliss and peace in the afterlife. Ameen.

2 May 2016

Salam Neighbor: Highlighting The Global Refugee Crisis

"Salam Neighbor" is an eye opening film that explores the lives of Syrian refugees, their hopes, fears, and experiences.

27 April 2016

Begin With Bismillah

Beginning our actions in the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, is an indicator of spiritual enlightenment and success.

9 December 2014

A Reflection on Gratitude

Ya Allah, from the depths of degredation you lift me with your light, nur ala nur, it penetrates the darkness of my black heart like the brightness of stars in the sky that radiate hope to the destitute and dreams to lovers. From your embrace let me never fall…

23 April 2014

Walking in the Shade of the Prophet

They light up the darkness like the radiant light of stars from distant galaxies who have come to send salutations upon the full, bright, luminescent moon. Their faces, some like artwork by Monet, others like landscapes by Ansel Adams, tell the stories of their lives, carrying onlookers with them down the rivers of their experiences in their furrowed brows or the freshness of the spring like waters of their youthfulness that know no fear and unlimited potentialities, the hopes in their bright eyes or the regrets in the tears that fall from their visual orbs like a deluge after a drought that had left their souls cracked and vapid like old and moldy bread that has been left out too long.

7 March 2014

By The Time

Time has value, hence the phrase time is money. There is a common shared knowledge among self-aware beings that this abode, this station, and this world, is temporal. The way of life for a Muslim is one that necessarily makes its adherents aware of the value of time, as believers bow and prostrate to their Creator five times a day.

3 January 2014

Sami's New Year's Tasbih

It was New Year's Day. Sami woke up, excited to see what 2014 had in store for him. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. Head? Check. Nose? Check. Ears? Check. So far, the new year had not brought him anything new. Sami ate breakfast, and looked at a book that he hoped to complete soon. It was about The Wright Brothers and their first flight. Sami loved flying, so his Mom had brought him the book from the library last week.

19 September 2012

The Blue Mosque Adorned with the Prophet's ﷺ Love

In early September Al-Madina Institute held a spiritual tour of Istanbul accompanied by Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui and Ustadh Moutasem Atiya. Fifty participants partook in event (Al-Madina Institute never exceeds one bus to further enrich the experience).
