ImanWire Podcast
ImanWire is an online multimedia platform focusing on articulating spirituality in modern times, highlighting a diverse group of American Muslim voices. Join our hosts Moutasem Atiya, Mohammed Saleem, and Ghuydar Bashmaf. Start listening now to our latest podcast episodes.
Ep. 74: The Shama'il al-Muhammadiyya: Learning to Love - Hassan Lachheb
What is the Shama'il and how does it cultivate love for the Prophet ﷺ? Shaykh Hassan Lachheb joins the Imanwire podcast to discuss how the Shama'il is essential to building community and how we can learn from the fasting of the Prophet ﷺ as we approach Ramadan.
Ep. 73: Navigating Hardship & the D's of the Devil - Muslema Purmul
There will always be challenges in our lives, but hardships are never meant to break us. Ustadha Muslema Purmul, co-founder and Religious Director of the Majlis, joins the ImanWire podcast to discuss the process of readying ourselves by refining our spiritual states and avoiding the "D's" of the devil and our lower self.
Musa & Khidr | Stories From the Qur’an with Moutasem Atiya
The story of Prophet Musa (Alayhi as’salam) and Al Khidr (Alayhi as’salam) teaches us a lesson in Divine Decree. Prophet Musa (Alayhi as’salam) accompanies Al Khidr and is exposed to three events that he questions the wisdom of. Join Moutasem Atiya as he reflects on the narrative.
The Father-Son Bond: Ibrahim's Sacrifice (Ep. 4) | Purification of the Soul Series
Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the Prophet Ibrahim and his son, exploring their spiritual journey and the test he faces when he is commanded to sacrifice his son. The son, who has reached spiritual maturity, accepts the command with trust and surrender.
Freedom and Happiness: The Test of Ibrahim (Ep. 3) | Purification of the Soul Series
Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui talks about the internal struggles and choices faced by individuals. He emphasizes the importance of aligning one's drives and inclinations with the divine, attaining serenity and freedom from worldly attachments. He draws inspiration from the story of Prophet Ibrahim and highlights the significance of steadfastness and faith in delivering the divine message. This enlightening discourse encourages Muslims to strive for spiritual growth and live a life dedicated to pleasing the Divine.
Seeking Knowledge & Spiritual Rewards | Purification of the Soul Ep. 2
In continuation of the Purification of the soul series, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the importance of seeking knowledge and acting upon it, emphasizing the spiritual benefits of studying the Quran and coming together for religious gatherings.
On the Benefits of Suhba (Ep. 1) | Purification of the Soul Series
In this series, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui teaches us the importance of spiritual development and shares the tools needed for continued growth.
In the first episode, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the importance of suhba, or companionship with those who strive towards righteousness, in order to enhance spiritual energy and achieve the loftiest dimensions.