Ep. 5 | What is the Heart? Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui speaks about the importance of the spiritual reality of the heart. Share: Spiritual Purification Series Related Videos Ep. 8 | What are sins and their impacts? Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui speaks about the two main reasons for the the spiritual deaths of our hearts. Ep. 7 | What is the Aql? Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui talks about the Aql, the intellect. What is the interrelationship between the Soul, Self, Heart and Intellect? Ep. 6 | What is the Remembrance of Allah? Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui speaks about 'Zhikr' a method of purification of the heart, a remembrance of God, to cleanse different stains in our heart.