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Angels in Gaza

Moutasem Atiya and Yasir Fahmy discuss angels in Gaza and what’s weighing on their hearts.

25 October 2023
The Difference between Salah and Prayer (Ep. 18) | Purification of the Soul Series

Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui describes the difference between Salah and the Christian definition of the word 'Prayer' and how we as Muslims must understand the incredible distinction.

23 October 2023
The 10 Conditions of Seeking I'lm (Sacred Knowledge) - Shaykh Riad Saloojee

Shaykh Riad Saloojee speaks about 'ilm (sacred knowledge) and the the prerequisites for those who orient themselves on the path to seeking it.

22 October 2023
Community Prayer & Du'a for Palestine - Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui

In light of the events in Palestine, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui shares a hopeful message with the community and concludes with an inspiring prayer.

19 October 2023
Salah: The Connection (Ep. 17) | Purification of the Soul Series

Shaykh Mokhtar defines the root of the word 'Salah' and what it means to connect our hearts to Allah ﷻ through the act of prayer.

12 October 2023
Salawat: Prayers of Peace & Blessings on the Prophet ﷺ - Recited by Shaykh Hassan Lachheb

In this clip, Shaykh Hassan Lachheb leads us in a heart-soothing prayer upon the Prophet (alayhi as'salam). May Allah make it a source of peace to our hearts, Amin

26 September 2023
How is Pearls of the Qur'an Unique? - Hear From the Attendees

We spoke to some of the attendees who gave their perspective on their experience at the Pearls of the Qur'an conference. Hear what they have to say.

21 September 2023
Khuluq & Khalq - My Inside Image & My Outside Image (Ep. 16) | Purification of the Soul Series

"I must never be the defender of my nafs, or thinking that I have nothing to change and others must change. I must always begin with the premise, that I have everything to change." Shaykh Mokhtar Maghroaui continues the conversation of the addiction of the nafs and how to begin taking the steps to changing them.

14 September 2023
Beginning with Change (Ep. 15) | Purification of the Soul Series

"I must never be the defender of my nafs, or thinking that I have nothing to change and others must change. I must always begin with the premise, that I have everything to change." Shaykh Mokhtar Maghroaui continues the conversation of the addiction of the nafs and how to begin taking the steps to changing them.

7 September 2023
Addiction (Ep. 14) | Purification of the Soul Series

Addiction overrides even knowing its harm, in ailments such as alcohol and smoking. In this episode Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui teaches how to have the will, the desire, and the resolve to change and begin removing habits that cause the addiction of the heart.

31 August 2023
Stewardship, Tawhid (Divine Unicity) and Akhlaq (Ep. 13) | Purification of the Soul Series

"The one who is better than me in akhlaq (character traits), is a better human being then me." The worth of a human being, practically speaking, is shown through his akhlaq. In this next video, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui speaks about Akhlaq, and it's most essential part which is Tawhid.

23 August 2023
The Sun and the Human Psyche (Ep. 12) | Purification of the Soul Series

Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui delves deeply into the Qur'an's verses of Surah Ash-Shams to unravel the intricate nature of the human psyche. Exploring themes of choice, virtue, and potential, he highlights how nurturing and understanding one's inner self can lead to either success or failure. He emphasizes the Divine offer to recognize the significance of the human psyche and offers insights into its complexities.

17 August 2023
Tazkiyah & the Divine Attributes (Ep. 11) | Purification of the Soul Series

Our existence is all about the divine manifestations. In this next episode, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui explains how everything has to do with 'tazkiyah' which has ultimately that our hearts is in such a state of 'tawhid,' the awareness of Allah ﷻ and his attributes.