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Angels in Gaza

Moutasem Atiya and Yasir Fahmy discuss angels in Gaza and what’s weighing on their hearts.

13 June 2023
Seeking Knowledge & Spiritual Rewards (Ep. 2)

In continuation of the Purification of the soul series, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the importance of seeking knowledge and acting upon it.

9 June 2023
On the Benefits of Suhba (Ep. 1)

Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the importance of suhba, or companionship with those who strive towards righteousness, in order to enhance spiritual energy and achieve the loftiest dimensions.

30 May 2023
Musa & Khidr | Stories From the Qur’an with Moutasem Atiya

The story of Prophet Musa (Alayhi as’salam) and Al Khidr (Alayhi as’salam) teaches us a lesson in Divine Decree. Prophet Musa (Alayhi as’salam) accompanies Al Khidr and is exposed to three events that he questions the wisdom of. Join Moutasem Atiya as he reflects on the narrative.

24 May 2023
The Spiritual Growth of Malcolm X

The life of Malcolm X teaches us all an important lesson on spiritual and intellectual growth.

16 May 2023
Being a Parent is Hard

Parenting is hard. Our children face constant exposure to TV shows, cartoons, and video games that contradict their religious values. Here are three potential solutions that can aid in overcoming this challenge.

14 May 2023
Pearls of the Qur'an 2024 Trailer - Watch Now

The Pearls of the Qur'an Conference returns this year! Join our leading scholars as they examine both the external and internal dimensions of the Qur'an and share their commentary and insights in Al-Madina's Annual Pearls of the Qur'an conference.

8 May 2023
The Cure For Your Inner Hulk

Anger sometimes comes out of us in the scariest of ways. Here are three tips to help keep the Hulk within us at bay.

5 May 2023
Out Hearts Go Out to Sudan

The Sudanese are an amazing people. It’s heartbreaking to watch as the conflict in Sudan grows. We ask Allah to restore peace to Sudan 🇸🇩 🇸🇩🇸🇩

3 May 2023
Arabic with my Teacher

Learning the Arabic language is a life long path that Moutasem Atiya continues on. Here is a snippet into a class with his Arabic teacher with Ustadh Basheer.

25 April 2023
In Loving Memory of Mouaz Al Nass

To Allah we belong and to Him we return. Mouaz Al’Nass, son of Shaykh Samir Al’Nass, returned to Allah’s mercy over the weekend.

18 April 2023
The Power of a Mother's Mercy

After the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria, a baby is found in the rubble and reunited with her mother. Here is the powerful moment they are reconnected.

12 April 2023
When Omar sees an overweight man

The MBC Omar series highlighted a scene where Caliph Omar comes across an overweight man; listen to his response stressing the importance of physical fitness.