Suhba Seminary BANNER

Suhba Seminary

October 6th, 2024

The Seminary (online with on-site elements) offers a 5-year, unique, carefully designed curriculum that transforms a student from the inside-out by holistically integrating knowledge (‘ilm), practice (‘amal), mentorship and fellowship (suhba), and applied life-learning.

Suhba masjid

Why the Suhba Seminary?

Because we were created to enjoy an experiential relationship with Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, transform our inner character (akhlaq), and live a life of true freedom and noble happiness.

What is the Suhba Seminary?

The legacy of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui, a scholar thoroughly versed in Islamic and secular knowledge, with a lifetime of experience in learning, practicing, teaching, counselling and mentoring. Download the bio of Shaykh Mokhtar here.

Why the Suhba Seminary?

Because we were created to enjoy an experiential relationship with Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, transform our inner character (akhlaq), and live a life of true freedom and noble happiness.

How does the Seminary realize its vision?

Through a unique, carefully designed multi-year curriculum that holistically integrates knowledge (‘ilm), practice (‘amal), mentorship and fellowship (suhba), and applied life-learning.

Who is a student?

Everyone. The Seminary’s unique learning streams offer flexible and customized learning.

What does a graduate look like?

Possesses a high Spirituality Quotient (SQ), understands Islam as not being but becoming, has refined character (akhlaq), practices what he or she knows, and navigates modern life safely with a rational and spiritual compass.



11 February 2016
Ep. 1 | What is Tazkiyat al-Nafs?

Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui focuses on Tazkiya, the characteristics of a polished heart, and the spiritual dimension.

24 September 2020
Why I Needed a Spiritual Mentor

In this video Shaykh Riad Saloojee describes his experiences having a Spiritual Mentor and the real life challenges met in trying to merge spirituality into everyday life.

Suhba Seminary Application Form

Support the Seminary

Can I sponsor a student?

Yes. A single year’s tuition is $2,500 USD. Click on the “Sponsor A Seminary Student” button on the donate page to help the transform the lives of a seeker from across the world.

How to Donate

On our 'Donate' page, select 'Support the Suhba Seminary.'

All funds collected will be used for the development of the Suhba Seminary and its educational, human and on-site resources.

The Suhba Seminary is eligible for zakah funds.

We realize that it is both a blessing from Allah and a trust to help facilitate the spread of sacred knowledge. We are looking for people like yourself who are willing to contribute to help us serve the Muslim community better and share in that unquantifiable reward.